Portland Community College Transfer

The following transfer equivalency listings are a guideline for unofficial review. Final transfer decisions are made by the records office.


PCC-to-WWU Transfer Course Equivalency

PCC Class

WWU Equivalent


ART 101Understanding ArchitectureART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 102Understanding the Visual ArtsART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 103Introduction to ArtART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 103Understanding New Media ArtsART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 117Basic Design - 3D FoundationsART 163Design
ART 131Introduction to DrawingART 184Intro to Drawing I
ART 131ADrawing IART 184Intro to Drawing I
ART 140ADigital Photography IPHTO 199Transfer Elective
ART 181Painting IART 194Still Life Painting
ART 181APainting IART 194Still Life Painting
ART 202Survey of Visual ArtsART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 205History of Western ArtART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 206History of Western ArtART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ART 210Women in ArtART 199Transfer Elective
ART 253Ceramics IART 284Intro to Pottery I
ART 253ACeramics IART 284Intro to Pottery I
ART 255CeramicsART 199Transfer Elective
ART 255AACeramicsART 199Transfer Elective
ART 291Sculpture: CarvingART 199Transfer Elective
ART 294Sculpture: WeldingART 199Transfer Elective


ASL 1011st Yr Amer Sign Language INOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 1021st Yr Amer Sign Language IINOEQ 199No Equivalency


ATH 101Intro to Physical AnthropologyANTH 199Transfer Elective
ATH 103Intro to Cultural AnthropologyANTH 225Cultural Anthropology
ATH 103Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyANTH 225Cultural Anthropology
ATH 211Selected Topics AnthropologyANTH 199Transfer Elective


BA 101Introduction to BusinessGBUS 160Intro to Business
BA 111Introduction to AccountingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BA 131Computers in BusinessNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BA 131Intro to Business TechnologyCIS 140Bus Analytics with Excel
BA 150Intro to EntrepreneurshipGBUS 199Transfer Elective
BA 205Business CommunicationGBUS 199Transfer Elective
BA 205Solving Comm Prob w/ TechnologyGBUS 199Transfer Elective
BA 206Management FundamentalsMGMT 199Transfer Elective
BA 211Principles of Accounting IACCT 201Prin of Accounting
BA 212Principles of Accounting IIACCT 202Prin of Accounting
BA 213Managerial AccountingACCT 203Prin of Accounting
BA 223Principles of MarketingMKTG 199Transfer Elective
BA 226Business Law IGBUS 199Transfer Elective
BA 249Prin/Retailing & E-tailingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BA 285Human Relations - OrganizationsNOEQ 199No Equivalency


BI 101BiologyBIOL 105Contemporary Biology
BI 101BiologyBIOL 106Contemporary Biology
BI 101BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 101BiologyBIOL 199Transfer Elective
BI 102BiologyBIOL 105Contemporary Biology
BI 102BiologyBIOL 106Contemporary Biology
BI 102BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 103BiologyBIOL 105Contemporary Biology
BI 103BiologyBIOL 106Contemporary Biology
BI 103BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 112Cell Bio for Health OccBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 112Cell Biology For Health OccBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 112Cell Biology for Health OccBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 121Intro to Human Anatomy/Phys IBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 121Intro to Human Anatomy/Phys IBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 122Intro Human Anatomy and Physiology IINOEQ 199No Equivalency
BI 122Intro to Human Anat/Phys IIBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 211Principles of BiologyBIOL 141Gen Biology
BI 211Principles of BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 212Principles of BiologyBIOL 142Gen Biology
BI 212Principles of BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BI 213Principles of BiologyBIOL 143Gen Biology
BI 222Human GeneticsBIOL 199Transfer Elective
BI 231Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 231Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 231Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy & Physiology IIBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy & Physiology IIBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 232Human Anatomy & Physiology IIBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anat & Phys IIIBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy & Physiology IIIBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy & Physiology IIIBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BI 233Human Anatomy & Physiology IIIBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BI 234MicrobiologyBIOL 222Microbiology
BI 241PathophysiologyBIOL 199Transfer Elective


CAS 121Beginning KeyboardingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CAS 133Basic Computer Skill/MS OfficeCIS 140Bus Analytics with Excel
CAS 133Basic Computer Skill/MS OfficeCPTR 110Prin of Computing
CAS 133Basic Computer Skills/MS OfficeNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CAS 170Beginning ExcelNOEQ 199No Equivalency


CG 100College Survival and SuccessGNRL 101University Experience
CG 100ACollege Survival and SuccessNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 100BCollege Survival and SuccessGNRL 101University Experience
CG 102Col Surv & Success: Goal SetNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 105Scholarships: $$ for CollegeNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 112Managing Test AnxietyNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 130Today's CareersCDEV 210Career Exploration & Prep
CG 130HIntro Today's Careers: HealthNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 140Career DevelopmentCDEV 210Career Exploration & Prep
CG 140Career and Life PlanningNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 140BCareer and Life PlanningCDEV 210Career Exploration & Prep
CG 144Introduction to AssertivenessNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 209Job Finding SkillsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CG 280ACE: Career ExplorationNOEQ 199No Equivalency


CH 100Everyday Chemistry w/ LabNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CH 100Fundamentals for ChemistryNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CH 104Allied Health Chemistry ICHEM 101Introductory Chemistry
CH 104General ChemistryCHEM 101Introductory Chemistry
CH 105Allied Health Chemistry IICHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CH 105General ChemistryCHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CH 106Allied Health Chemistry IIICHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 106Gen Chem (Lab)CHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 106General ChemistryCHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CH 151Preparatory ChemistryCHEM 199Transfer Elective
CH 221General Chemistry ICHEM 141General Chemistry
CH 221General Chemistry ICHEM 144General Chemistry Lab
CH 222General Chemistry IICHEM 142General Chemistry
CH 222General Chemistry IICHEM 145General Chemistry Lab
CH 223General Chemistry IIICHEM 143General Chemistry
CH 223General Chemistry IIICHEM 146General Chemistry Lab


CIS 101Intro to Computers: ConceptsCPTR 199Transfer Elective
CIS 102Intro to ComputersCIS 199Transfer Elective
CIS 120Computer Concepts ICIS 198Transfer General Studies
CIS 120Computer Concepts ICIS 199Transfer Elective
CIS 121Computer Concepts IICIS 198Transfer General Studies
CIS 122Intro to Programming LogicNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CIS 122Software DesignCIS 199Transfer Elective
CIS 125SElectronic Spreadsheets forCIS 199Transfer Elective
CIS 140DOperating Sys: MicrocomputersCIS 199Transfer Elective


CJA 111Introduction to Criminal Justice System-PoliceCORR 199Transfer Elective
CJA 113Intro to Criminal Justice System-CorrectionsCORR 199Transfer Elective
CJA 115Intro to Jail OperationsCORR 199Transfer Elective
CJA 214Criminal InvestigationCORR 199Transfer Elective
CJA 215Forensic Sci & CriminalisticsCORR 199Transfer Elective
CJA 243Narcotics & Dangerous DrugsCORR 199Transfer Elective


COMM 100Introduction to CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective
COMM 111Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 112Persuasive SpeakingSPCH 199Transfer Elective
COMM 140Intro to Intercultural CommSPCH 199Transfer Elective
COMM 214Interper Comm: Process & TheoryNOEQ 199No Equivalency


CS 140UIntro to UNIXNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CS 161Computer Science ICPTR 141Fundamentals of Programming I
CS 162Computer Science IICPTR 142Fundamentals of Programming II


D 184Ballroom DancePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
D 270Introduction to ChoreographyNOEQ 199No Equivalency


EC 200Prin Econ: Intro, Inst & PhilECON 204Fundamentals of Economics
EC 201Prin Econ: MicroeconomicsECON 210Prin of Microeconomics
EC 201Prin Econ: MicroeconomicsECON 212Prin of Microeconomics
EC 202Prin Econ: MacroeconomicsECON 211Prin of Macroeconomics


ED 133Media and MaterialsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 200Introduction to EducationNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 205Tutoring Principles andNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 207ABSeminar: Advanced EducationNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 207ACSeminar: Adaptive Sign forNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 209BBPracticumNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 209CCPracticumNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 209DDPracticumNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 251Overview of HandicappingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 252Behavior ManagementNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 268Intro to Mental RetardationNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 269Intro to Teaching theNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 295Leisure for SpecialNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ED 298EESpecial Projects in EducationNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ENG 104Intro to Literature (Fiction)ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 105Intro to Literature (Drama)ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 106Intro to Literature (Poetry)ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 107World Literature - WesternENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 196Film Studies: DirectorsENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 209World Literature - Asian (Japan)ENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENG 213Latin American LitENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities


ENGR 101Engineering FundamentalsENGR 199Transfer Elective
ENGR 102Engineering GraphicsENGR 122Intro to CAD


FN 225NutritionHLTH 220Human Nutrition
FN 270Normal & Applied Clin NutrHLTH 199Transfer Elective
FN 270Normal & Applied Clin NutrHLTH 220Human Nutrition


FR 101First Year FrenchFREN 101Elementary French
FR 102First Year FrenchFREN 102Elementary French
FR 113AFirst Year French ConversationFREN 199Transfer Elective


G 201Physical GeologyGEOL 199Transfer Geology Course
G 202Physical GeologyNOEQ 199No Equivalency


GEO 105Human GeographyGEOG 199Geography Elective
GEO 105Intro to Human Cult GeographyGEOG 199Geography Elective
GEO 209Physical Geography: Weather and ClimateGEOG 199Geography Elective


GER 150First Year GermanGRMN 101Elementary German


GS 107Physical Science (Astronomy)ASTR 141General Astronomy
GS 108Phys Sci (Oceanography)GESC 199Transfer General Science
GS 108Phys Sci (Oceanography)GESC 199Transfer General Science


HE 110CPR/AED ProfessionalNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HE 112First Aid and Emergency CareHLTH 217First Aid
HE 112Standard First Aid & CPR/AEDHLTH 217First Aid
HE 113First Aid & CPR ProfessionalHLTH 217First Aid
HE 122First Aid and Emergency CareHLTH 217First Aid
HE 212Women's HealthHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 242Stress and Human HealthHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 250Personal HealthHLTH 110Wellness for Living
HE 250Personal HealthHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 251Community/Public Health IssuesHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HE 252First Aid - Basics and BeyondHLTH 217First Aid
HE 252First Aid-Basics and BeyondHLTH 217First Aid
HE 264Health, Food & the EnvironmentNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HE 295Health and Fitness for LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living


HEC 226Child DevelopmentNOEQ 199No Equivalency


HPE 295Health & Fitness for LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living
HPE 295Health and Fitness for LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living
HPE 298Health & Fitness for LifeNOEQ 199No Equivalency


HST 101West Civ: Ancnt Wrld to MedievHIST 120Hist of Western Civ
HST 101West Civ: Ancnt Wrld to MedievHIST 121The West and the World
HST 101West Civ: Ancnt Wrld to MedievHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 101West Civ: Ancnt Wrld to MedievHIST 121The West and the World
HST 101West Civ: Ancnt Wrld to MedievHIST 120Hist of Western Civ
HST 102West Civ: Mediev to Early ModernHIST 121The West and the World
HST 102West Civ: Mediev to Early ModernHIST 121The West and the World
HST 102West Civ: Mediev to Early ModernHIST 121The West and the World
HST 103Western Civ: Modern EuropeHIST 122The West and the World
HST 104History of the Middle EastHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 107History of Korea and JapanHIST 199Transfer Elective
HST 111US History: Skills and IssuesNOEQ 199No Equivalency
HST 199VIntroduction to Viking HistoryHIST 199Transfer Elective
HST 201History of the US - IHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 201History of the US to 1840HIST 121The West and the World
HST 201History of the US to 1840HIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 201History of the US to 1840HIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HST 202History of the US - IIHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 202History of the US 1840 - 1914HIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 203History of US 1914 to PresentHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HST 203History of US 1914 to PresentHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HST 204US Women: Pre-colonial to 1877HIST 199Transfer Elective
HST 285The HolocaustHIST 199Transfer Elective


HUM 100Intro to HumanitiesHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HUM 106British Life and CultureNOEQ 199No Equivalency


JPN 101First Year JapaneseMDLG 198Transfer General Studies


MP 109Basic Medical Terminology 1NRSG 234Medical Terminology
MP 109Basic Medical TerminologyNRSG 234Medical Terminology
MP 110Basic Medical Terminology 2NRSG 234Medical Terminology
MP 111Medical TerminologyNRSG 234Medical Terminology
MP 140Intro to Health Law and EthicsHLTH 199Transfer Elective


MSD 105Workplace Communication SkillsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
MSD 157Conflict ManagementNOEQ 199No Equivalency
MSD 174Time ManagementNOEQ 199No Equivalency
MSD 176AInterpersonal CommunicationNOEQ 199No Equivalency
MSD 193Self Esteem the Key to SuccessNOEQ 199No Equivalency


MTH 105Math in SocietyMATH 105Finite Mathematics
MTH 111Col Alg for Math, Science, EnginMATH 121Precalculus I
MTH 111College AlgebraMATH 121Precalculus I
MTH 111BCol Alg - Bus, Mgmt, Life, Soc, SciMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 111BCol Alg-Bus, Mgmt, Life, Soc SciMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 111CCol Alg for Math, Science, EnginMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 112Elementary FunctionsMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 211Foundations of Elementary Math IMATH 199Transfer Elective
MTH 243Statistics IMATH 106Intro to Statistics
MTH 243Statistics IMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 243Statistics IMATH 206Intro to Statistics
MTH 244Statistics IIMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MTH 251Calculus IMATH 181Calculus I
MTH 252Calculus IIMATH 281Calculus II
MTH 253Calculus IIIMATH 282Calculus III


MUS 101Introduction to MusicMUCT 199Transfer Elective
MUS 105Music AppreciationMUHL 124Intro to Music
MUS 108Music Cultures of the WorldMUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 190Introduction to PianoMUPF 117Class Instruction
MUS 202Introduction to Music & Its LiteratureMUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 203Introduction to Music & Its LiteratureMUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 205Introduction to Jazz HistoryMUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUS 206Introduction to the History of Rock MusicMUHL 198Transfer General Studies


OS 13110-key on CalculatorsNOEQ 199No Equivalency


PE 142AZumba Fitness IPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 162OCore FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 180ABeginning SwimPEAC 113Beginning Swimming
PE 180BIntermediate SwimmingPEAC 114Intermed Swimming
PE 180GSwim ConditioningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 181Beg Weight Training - CoedPEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
PE 181ABeginning Weight Training - CoedPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 181ABeginning Weight TrainingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 181BIntermediate Weight TrainingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 181DCircuit Weight Training 1 - CoedPEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
PE 181DCircuit Weight Training 1PEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
PE 181ECircuit Weight Training 2 - CoedPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 182ABeg Group FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 182DIntermediate Fitness & WalkingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 182ERunning for FitnessPEAC 128Jogging
PE 182HAdult FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 182IPower YogaPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 182KYoga IPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 182QSelf-Paced FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 182WPhy Act for Weight ControlPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 182YIndoor CyclingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 182ZZumba FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 183AHikingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 183DIntroduction to Rock ClimbingPEAC 161Rock Climbing
PE 183EBeginning TennisPEAC 146Tennis
PE 183FIntermediate TennisPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 183IBeginning VolkswalkingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 183RBeginning Karate IPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185ABeginning BasketballPEAC 171Basketball
PE 185BIntermediate BasketballPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185CAdvanced BasketballPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185DBeginning VolleyballPEAC 177Volleyball
PE 185EIntermediate VolleyballPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185GBeginning SoccerPEAC 174Soccer
PE 185HAdvanced SoccerPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185KYoga IPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 185KDBeginning Aerobic FitnessPEAC 133Aerobic Rhythm
PE 185LIntermediate SoccerPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PE 295Health & Fitness for Life LabHLTH 110Wellness for Living


PHL 191Analysis & Eval of ArgumentPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 201Being and KnowingPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 201Philosophical ProblemsPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 202EthicsPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 202Intro to Phil: Elem EthicsPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 204Philosophy of ReligionPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 205Biomedical EthicsPHIL 199Transfer Elective
PHL 207Ethical Issues in AgingPHIL 199Transfer Elective
PHL 207Ethics and AgingPHIL 199Transfer Elective
PHL 212Intro to Philosophy of MindPHIL 198Transfer General Studies
PHL 222Philosophy of Art and BeautyPHIL 198Transfer General Studies


PHY 101Fundamentals of Physics IPHYS 201Conceptual Physics
PHY 201General PhysicsPHYS 211Gen Physics
PHY 201General PhysicsPHYS 214Gen Physics Lab
PHY 202General PhysicsPHYS 212Gen Physics
PHY 202General PhysicsPHYS 215Gen Physics Lab
PHY 203General PhysicsPHYS 213Gen Physics
PHY 203General PhysicsPHYS 216Gen Physics Lab


PHYS 201General PhysicsPHYS 211Gen Physics
PHYS 201General PhysicsPHYS 214Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 202General PhysicsPHYS 212Gen Physics
PHYS 202General PhysicsPHYS 215Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 203General PhysicsPHYS 213Gen Physics
PHYS 203General PhysicsPHYS 216Gen Physics Lab


PS 201US GovernmentPLSC 224Amer Government
PS 201US Govt: Foundation/PrinciplesPLSC 224Amer Government


PSY 101Psychology and Human RelationsPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 201General PsychologyPSYC 130General Psychology
PSY 201AIntro to Psychology - Part 1PSYC 130General Psychology
PSY 201AIntro to Psychology - Part 1PSYC 140Intro to Psyc:Social Foundatns
PSY 201AIntro to Psychology - Part 1PSYC 141IntroPsyc:Biological Foundtns
PSY 201AIntro to Psychology - Part IPSYC 130General Psychology
PSY 201AIntro to Psychology -Part 1PSYC 130General Psychology
PSY 202General PsychologyPSYC 198Transfer General Studies
PSY 202AIntro to Psychology - Part 2PSYC 140Intro to Psyc:Social Foundatns
PSY 202AIntro to Psychology - Part 2PSYC 141IntroPsyc:Biological Foundtns
PSY 202AIntro to Psychology - Part 2PSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 203General PsychologyPSYC 198Transfer General Studies
PSY 214Introduction to PersonalityPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSY 215Human DevelopmentPSYC 215Developmental Psychology
PSY 239Intro to Abnormal PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective


R 210World ReligionsRETR 198Transfer Religion Course
R 211Intro Old TestamentRETR 198Transfer Religion Course


RD 115College ReadingRDNG 191Analy Reading Skills
RD 115Speed Reading and VocabularyRDNG 191Analy Reading Skills


RUS 201Second Year RussianMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
RUS 202Second Year RussianMDLG 198Transfer General Studies
RUS 203Second Year RussianMDLG 198Transfer General Studies


SOC 204Gen Soc: Soc in Everyday LifeSOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 204General Sociology: SociologySOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 204General Sociology: Soc in Everyday LifeSOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 204General Sociology: Soc. in Everyday LifeSOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 204Sociology in Everyday LifeSOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOC 205General Sociology: SocialSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SOC 205Soc Change in SocietiesSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SOC 205Soc Change/Social InstitutionsSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SOC 206Gen Soc: Social ProblemsSOCI 234Current Social Problems
SOC 206General Sociology: SocialSOCI 234Current Social Problems
SOC 206Social ProblemsSOCI 234Current Social Problems
SOC 206Social ProblemsSOCI 236Privilege & Oppression
SOC 213Diversity in the United StatesSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SOC 213Diversity in the United StatesSOCI 236Privilege & Oppression
SOC 231Sociology for Health & AgingSOCI 199Transfer Elective


SP 100Intro to Speech CommunicationSPCH 199Transfer Elective
SP 111Fundamentals fo SpeechSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
SP 111Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
SP 140Intro to Intercultural CommSPCH 199Transfer Elective
SP 214Interper Comm: Process & TheorySPCH 199Transfer Elective
SP 215Sm Grp Comm: Process & TheorySPCH 207Small Group Communication


SPA 101First Year Spanish - First TermSPAN 101Elementary Spanish
SPA 102First Year Spanish - Second TermSPAN 102Elementary Spanish
SPA 103First Year Spanish - Third TermSPAN 103Elementary Spanish
SPA 111CFirst Year Spanish ConversationSPAN 199Transfer Elective
SPA 112CFirst Year Spanish ConversationSPAN 199Transfer Elective
SPA 112CFirst Yr Spanish ConversationSPAN 199Transfer Elective
SPA 113CFirst Year Spanish ConversationSPAN 199Transfer Elective
SPA 113CFirst Yr Spanish ConversationSPAN 199Transfer Elective
SPA 201Second Year Spanish - 1st TermSPAN 201Intermediate Spanish
SPA 201Second Year Spanish-1st TermSPAN 201Intermediate Spanish
SPA 202Second Year Spanish - 2nd TermSPAN 202Intermediate Spanish
SPA 202Second Year Spanish-2nd TermSPAN 202Intermediate Spanish
SPA 203Second Year Spanish - 3rd TermSPAN 198Transfer General Studies
SPA 211CInter Spanish ConversationSPAN 199Transfer Elective
SPA 212CInter Spanish ConversationSPAN 199Transfer Elective
SPA 212CInter Spanish ConversationSPAN 199Transfer Elective
SPA 213CInter Spanish ConversationSPAN 199Transfer Elective


TA 141Fundamentals of Acting TechniquesDRMA 242Acting


WR 105Writing for ScholarshipsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
WR 121Eng CompositionENGL 121College Writing I
WR 121English CompositionENGL 121College Writing I
WR 121English CompositionENGL 122College Writing II
WR 121English CompositionENGL 223Research Writing
WR 122English CompositionENGL 121College Writing I
WR 122English CompositionENGL 122College Writing II
WR 122English CompositionENGL 223Research Writing
WR 123English CompositionENGL 223Research Writing
WR 214Business CommunicationsGBUS 199Transfer Elective
WR 222Writing Research PapersENGL 223Research Writing
WR 227Technical/Profession Wr IWRIT 199Transfer Elective
WR 241Creative Writing (Fiction)WRIT 199Transfer Elective
WR 242Creative Writing (Poetry)WRIT 199Transfer Elective
WR 243Creative Writing (Script)WRIT 199Transfer Elective


WS 101Women's StudiesSOCI 199Transfer Elective
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