Southern Adventist University Transfer

The following transfer equivalency listings are a guideline for unofficial review. Final transfer decisions are made by the records office.


SAU-to-WWU Transfer Course Equivalency

SAU Class

WWU Equivalent


AART 105Prin of Animation IART 199Transfer Elective
AART 106Prin of Animation IIART 199Transfer Elective


ACCT 103College AccountingACCT 198Transfer General Studies
ACCT 221Prin of Accounting IACCT 201Prin of Accounting
ACCT 221Prin of Accounting IACCT 202Prin of Accounting
ACCT 221Prin of Accounting IACCT 203Prin of Accounting
ACCT 221Principles of Accounting IACCT 201Prin of Accounting
ACCT 221Principles of Accounting IACCT 202Prin of Accounting
ACCT 221Principles of Accounting IACCT 203Prin of Accounting
ACCT 222Prin of Accounting IIACCT 201Prin of Accounting
ACCT 222Prin of Accounting IIACCT 202Prin of Accounting
ACCT 222Prin of Accounting IIACCT 203Prin of Accounting
ACCT 321Managerial AccountingACCT 331Managerial Cost Accounting


ADAC 145Basic Rock ClimbingPEAC 161Rock Climbing
ADAC 145Basic Rock ClimbingPEAC 161Rock Climbing
ADAC 151Scuba DivingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
ADAC 160Snow Skiing/BoardingPEAC 164Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding
ADAC 212BackpackingPEAC 157Backpacking
ADAC 214Mtn BikingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
ADAC 251Advanced ScubaPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
ADAC 262Intro to CampingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
ADAC 265T: Adv ScubaPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
ADAC 430Back Country SkiingPEAC 398Transfer General Studies


ALHT 111Intro Health ProfessionsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ALHT 111Intro to Health ProfessionsHLTH 199Transfer Elective
ALHT 265T: Speech Lang PathNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ART 101Intro to DrawingART 184Intro to Drawing I
ART 104Beginning Drawing IART 184Intro to Drawing I
ART 104Beginning Drawing IART 185Intro to Drawing II
ART 104Drawing IART 184Intro to Drawing I
ART 104Drawing IART 185Intro to Drawing II
ART 104Drawing IART 186Intro to Drawing III
ART 105Beginning Drawing IINOEQ 199No Equivalency
ART 105Drawing IIART 184Intro to Drawing I
ART 105Drawing IIART 185Intro to Drawing II
ART 105Drawing IIART 186Intro to Drawing III
ART 1092D Fnd - Plane & ColorART 161Design
ART 1092D Fnd - Plane & ColorART 162Design
ART 1092D Fnd - Plane & ColorART 163Design
ART 109Design Principles IART 161Design
ART 109Design Principles IART 162Design
ART 109Design Principles IART 163Design
ART 1103D Fnd - Form & TimeART 161Design
ART 1103D Fnd - Form & TimeART 162Design
ART 1103D Fnd - Form & TimeART 163Design
ART 110Design Principles IIART 161Design
ART 110Design Principles IIART 162Design
ART 110Design Principles IIART 163Design
ART 172Italian Fine Arts and MonumentsART 172IItalian Fine Arts & Monuments
ART 223Principles of ColorART 199Transfer Elective
ART 235CeramicsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ART 272Italian Fine Arts and MonumentsART 272IItalian Fine Arts & Monuments
ART 285Art and MusicART 285SArt of Spanish Music
ART 300PrintmakingART 399Transfer Elective
ART 311The Art of Italian CeramicsART 311IDecorative Tchnqs in Ceramics
ART 315IArt of TailoringART 315IThe Art of Tailoring
ART 321IFashion DesignART 321IFashion Design
ART 331Illustration MethodsART 399Transfer Elective
ART 335IHistory of Italian ArtART 335IHistory of Italian Art
ART 341IPainting StylesART 341IPainting Styles and Techniques
ART 362Hist Fren PaintingART 362FHist of French Painting
ART 363Hist Fren PaintingART 363FHistory of French Painting


ARTF 111Intro to Film ProductionFLTV 135Intro to Filmmaking
ARTF 215LightingPHTO 199Transfer Elective


ARTG 115Intro Computer GraphGRPH 124Intro to Design
ARTG 115Intro to Cptr GraphicsGRPH 124Intro to Design
ARTG 121Typography IGRPH 125Typography
ARTG 121Typography IGRPH 272Typography
ARTG 122Typography IIGRPH 199Transfer Elective
ARTG 138Design Studio IGRPH 265Grph Design Hist&Theory Studio
ARTG 210Cptr Graphic DesignGRPH 199Transfer Elective
ARTG 210Vector GraphicsGRPH 199Transfer Elective
ARTG 212Raster GraphicsGRPH 136Digital Imaging I
ARTG 212Raster GraphicsGRPH 199Transfer Elective
ARTG 238Design Studio IIGRPH 199Transfer Elective
ARTG 332Advertising DesignGRPH 399Transfer Elective


ARTH 208Fine Arts: Medieval to BaroqueARTH 208EFn Art I: Medieval to Baroque
ARTH 209EFine ArtsART 198HGeneral Studies Humanities
ARTH 218Art AppreciationART 251Intro to Art


ARTI 324Interactive MediaGRPH 263Web Design Studio


ASL 101American Sign Language INOEQ 199No Equivalency
ASL 102American Sign Lang IINOEQ 199No Equivalency


BIOL 101Anat & Phys IBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 101Anat & Phys IBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 101Anat & Phys IBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 101LAnat & Phys I LabBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 101LAnat & Phys I LabBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 101LAnat & Phys I LabBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 102Anat & Phys IIBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 102Anat & Phys IIBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 102Anat & Phys IIBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 102LAnat & Phys II LabBIOL 121Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 102LAnat & Phys II LabBIOL 122Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 102LAnat & Phys II LabBIOL 123Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 103Prin of BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BIOL 103Principles of BiologyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BIOL 103LPrin of Biology LabBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BIOL 103LPrinciples of Biology LabBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BIOL 105AnatomyBIOL 198Transfer General Studies
BIOL 151Gen Biology IBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 151Gen Biology IBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 151Gen Biology IBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 151General Biology IBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 151General Biology IBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 151General Biology IBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 151LGen Biology I LabBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 151LGen Biology I LabBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 151LGen Biology I LabBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 151LGeneral Biology I LabBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 151LGeneral Biology I LabBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 151LGeneral Biology I LabBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 152Gen Biology IIBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 152Gen Biology IIBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 152Gen Biology IIBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 152General Biology IIBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 152General Biology IIBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 152General Biology IIBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 152LGen Biology II LabBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 152LGen Biology II LabBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 152LGen Biology II LabBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 152LGeneral Biology II LabBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 152LGeneral Biology II LabBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 152LGeneral Biology II LabBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 161Gen Biology IBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 161Gen Biology IBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 161Gen Biology IBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 161LGen Biology I LabBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 161LGen Biology I LabBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 161LGen Biology I LabBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 162Gen Biology IIBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 162Gen Biology IIBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 162Gen Biology IIBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 162LGen Biology II LabBIOL 141Gen Biology
BIOL 162LGen Biology II LabBIOL 142Gen Biology
BIOL 162LGen Biology II LabBIOL 143Gen Biology
BIOL 252Tropical BiologyBIOL 199Transfer Elective
BIOL 282Biological AnalysisBIOL 250Biostatistics
BIOL 297Research in BiologyBIOL 199Transfer Elective
BIOL 305Proposal WritingBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 311GeneticsBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 311LGenetics LabBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 366Rosario Beach Topics BiolBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 387Animal BehaviorBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 412Cell and Molecular BiologyBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 416Human AnatomyBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 416LHuman Anatomy LabBIOL 399Transfer Elective
BIOL 421Issues in Sci & SocietyNOEQ 199No Equivalency


BMKT 326Prin of MarketingMKTG 381Prin of Marketing
BMKT 326Principles of MarketingMKTG 381Prin of Marketing
BMKT 345E-MarketingMKTG 415Dgtl, Soc Media & Mobile Mktg


BRDC 127Intro to Digital StorytellingNOEQ 199No Equivalency


BUAD 126Intro to BusinessGBUS 160Intro to Business
BUAD 128Personal FinanceFINA 101Personal Finance
BUAD 201Bus Mjr QualificationNOEQ 199No Equivalency
BUAD 217Bus Cptr Con & ApplCIS 140Bus Analytics with Excel
BUAD 217Bus Cptr Con & ApplCIS 140Bus Analytics with Excel
BUAD 217Bus Cptr Con & ApplCIS 140Bus Analytics with Excel
BUAD 217Bus Cptr Con & ApplCPTR 110Prin of Computing
BUAD 310Business CommGBUS 370Business Communication
BUAD 339Business LawGBUS 361Business Law I
BUAD 358Legal/Ethical/Social Environment of BusinessGBUS 463Business Ethics
BUAD 412Preparing to Meet the FirmsGBUS 399Transfer Elective


CHEM 107Chem Every Day LifeNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CHEM 111Survey of Chem ICHEM 101Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 111Survey of Chem ICHEM 198Transfer General Studies
CHEM 112Survey of Chem IICHEM 102Introductory Chemistry
CHEM 120Survey of Health ChemCHEM 105Survey of Chemistry
CHEM 151General Chemistry ICHEM 141General Chemistry
CHEM 151General Chemistry ICHEM 142General Chemistry
CHEM 151General Chemistry ICHEM 143General Chemistry
CHEM 151General Chemistry ICHEM 144General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 151General Chemistry ICHEM 145General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 151General Chemistry ICHEM 146General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 151LGeneral Chemistry I LabCHEM 141General Chemistry
CHEM 151LGeneral Chemistry I LabCHEM 142General Chemistry
CHEM 151LGeneral Chemistry I LabCHEM 143General Chemistry
CHEM 151LGeneral Chemistry I LabCHEM 144General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 151LGeneral Chemistry I LabCHEM 145General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 151LGeneral Chemistry I LabCHEM 146General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 152General Chemistry IICHEM 141General Chemistry
CHEM 152General Chemistry IICHEM 142General Chemistry
CHEM 152General Chemistry IICHEM 143General Chemistry
CHEM 152General Chemistry IICHEM 144General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 152General Chemistry IICHEM 145General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 152General Chemistry IICHEM 146General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 152LGeneral Chemistry II LabCHEM 141General Chemistry
CHEM 152LGeneral Chemistry II LabCHEM 142General Chemistry
CHEM 152LGeneral Chemistry II LabCHEM 143General Chemistry
CHEM 152LGeneral Chemistry II LabCHEM 144General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 152LGeneral Chemistry II LabCHEM 145General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 152LGeneral Chemistry II LabCHEM 146General Chemistry Lab
CHEM 311Organic Chem ICHEM 321Organic Chemistry
CHEM 311Organic Chem ICHEM 322Organic Chemistry
CHEM 311Organic Chem ICHEM 323Organic Chemistry
CHEM 311Organic Chem ICHEM 325Organic Chem Lab
CHEM 311Organic Chem ICHEM 326Intro to Organic Chemistry Lab
CHEM 311Organic Chemistry ICHEM 321Organic Chemistry
CHEM 311Organic Chemistry ICHEM 324Organic Chemistry Lab
CHEM 311LOrganic Chem I LabCHEM 321Organic Chemistry
CHEM 311LOrganic Chem I LabCHEM 322Organic Chemistry
CHEM 311LOrganic Chem I LabCHEM 323Organic Chemistry
CHEM 311LOrganic Chem I LabCHEM 325Organic Chem Lab
CHEM 311LOrganic Chem I LabCHEM 326Intro to Organic Chemistry Lab
CHEM 311LOrganic Chemistry I LabCHEM 321Organic Chemistry
CHEM 311LOrganic Chemistry I LabCHEM 324Organic Chemistry Lab
CHEM 312Organic Chem IICHEM 321Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312Organic Chem IICHEM 322Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312Organic Chem IICHEM 323Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312Organic Chem IICHEM 325Organic Chem Lab
CHEM 312Organic Chem IICHEM 326Intro to Organic Chemistry Lab
CHEM 312Organic Chemistry IICHEM 322Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312Organic Chemistry IICHEM 325Organic Chem Lab
CHEM 312LOrganic Chem II LabCHEM 321Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312LOrganic Chem II LabCHEM 322Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312LOrganic Chem II LabCHEM 323Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312LOrganic Chem II LabCHEM 325Organic Chem Lab
CHEM 312LOrganic Chem II LabCHEM 326Intro to Organic Chemistry Lab
CHEM 312LOrganic Chemistry II LabCHEM 322Organic Chemistry
CHEM 312LOrganic Chemistry II LabCHEM 325Organic Chem Lab


COMM 103Intro to Mass CommunicationCOMM 145Comm & Lang in Global Society
COMM 103Introduction to CommunicationCOMM 145Comm & Lang in Global Society
COMM 135Comm & Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 135Intro to Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 135Intro to Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 135Intro to Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 145H: Comm & Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
COMM 326Film EvaluationCOMM 398Transfer General Studies
COMM 330Intercultural CommCOMM 399Transfer Elective
COMM 406Persuasion & PropagandaCOMM 399Transfer Elective


COOP 465Cooperative EducationNOEQ 199No Equivalency
COOP 465Cooperative EducationNOEQ 399No Equivalency


CPHE 200Digital Logic & DesignNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CPHE 200LDigital Logic & Design LabNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CPHE 320Circuit AnalysisENGR 228Circuit Analysis


CPTE 100Computer ConceptsCPTR 110Prin of Computing
CPTE 100Computer ConceptsCPTR 199Transfer Elective
CPTE 105Intro Word ProcessingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CPTE 106Intro to SpreadsheetsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CPTE 109Presentation TechnologyNOEQ 199No Equivalency
CPTE 110Intro to Web DevelopmentINFO 250System Software:


CPTR 110Cmptl Think ScienceCPTR 199Transfer Elective
CPTR 124Fundamentals of ProgrammingCPTR 141Fundamentals of Programming I
CPTR 124Fundamentals of ProgrammingCPTR 142Fundamentals of Programming II
CPTR 124Fundamentals of ProgrammingCPTR 199Transfer Elective
CPTR 124LFundamentals of Programming LabCPTR 141Fundamentals of Programming I
CPTR 124LFundamentals of Programming LabCPTR 142Fundamentals of Programming II
CPTR 124LFundamentals of Programming LabCPTR 199Transfer Elective
CPTR 215Fund of Softw DesignCPTR 141Fundamentals of Programming I
CPTR 215Fund of Softw DesignCPTR 142Fundamentals of Programming II
CPTR 215Fund of Softw DesignCPTR 199Transfer Elective
CPTR 215LFund of Softw Design LabCPTR 141Fundamentals of Programming I
CPTR 215LFund of Softw Design LabCPTR 142Fundamentals of Programming II
CPTR 215LFund of Softw Design LabCPTR 199Transfer Elective


ECED 160Early Child Creatv ArtNOEQ 199No Equivalency
ECED 295DS: Early Child Creative ArtNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ECON 213Survey of EconomicsECON 204Fundamentals of Economics
ECON 224Principles of EconomicsECON 211Prin of Macroeconomics
ECON 224Principles of MacroeconomicsECON 211Prin of Macroeconomics
ECON 224Principles of MacroeconomicsECON 211Prin of Macroeconomics
ECON 225Principles of MicroeconomicsECON 210Prin of Microeconomics


EDOE 301Outdoor MinistriesNOEQ 399No Equivalency
EDOE 348Environmental EducNOEQ 399No Equivalency


EDUC 129Intro & Fdns Elementary EducEDUC 210Foundations of Educ
EDUC 129Intro & Fdns Elementary EducEDUC 211Intro to & Foundations of Educ
EDUC 129Intro & Fdns Elementary EducEDUC 247Elementary School Exploratory
EDUC 138Intro & Fdns Sec EducEDUC 210Foundations of Educ
EDUC 138Intro & Fdns Sec EducEDUC 267Secondary School Exploratory
EDUC 138Intro & Fdns Secondary EdEDUC 210Foundations of Educ
EDUC 138Intro & Fdns Secondary EdEDUC 211Intro to & Foundations of Educ
EDUC 138Intro & Fdns Secondary EdEDUC 267Secondary School Exploratory
EDUC 232Survey of Children's LitENGL 199Transfer Elective
EDUC 232Survey of Children's LitENGL 214Themes in Lit:
EDUC 233Children's LiteratureENGL 199Transfer Elective
EDUC 238K-6 Bible MethodsEDUC 199Transfer Elective
EDUC 242Elem Numeracy ConceptsEDUC 199Transfer Elective
EDUC 317Teaching with TechnologyEDUC 315Technology in Education
EDUC 319Tech in EducationEDUC 315Technology in Education
EDUC 338Fnds Inclusive EducEDUC 421Prin of T&L Inclusive Classrms
EDUC 338LFld Exp Fnds Incl Ed LabEDUC 421Prin of T&L Inclusive Classrms


ELIT 214Survey of American LitENGL 210Survey of British & Amer Lit
ELIT 214Survey of American LitENGL 211Survey of British & Amer Lit
ELIT 214Survey of American LitENGL 212Survey of British & Amer Lit
ELIT 215Survey of English LitENGL 198HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ELIT 215Survey of English LitENGL 210Survey of British & Amer Lit
ELIT 215Survey of English LitENGL 211Survey of British & Amer Lit
ELIT 215Survey of English LitENGL 212Survey of British & Amer Lit
ELIT 33820th Century WritersENGL 398HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ELIT 340C.S. LewisENGL 399Transfer Elective
ELIT 440C.S. LewisENGL 398HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ELIT 445Ancient ClassicsENGL 358Classical Literature


ENGL 101College Comp IENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 101College Comp IENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 101College Comp IENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 101College Composition IENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 101College Composition IENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 101College Composition IENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 101College CompositionENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 101College CompositionENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 101College CompositionENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 101Crit Think Ac Rdg/Wrtg IENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 101Crit Think Ac Rdg/Wrtg IENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 101Crit Think Ac Rdg/Wrtg IENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 101Crit Think Acad Rdg/Wrtg IENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 101Crit Think Acad Rdg/Wrtg IENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 101Crit Think Acad Rdg/Wrtg IENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 102College Comp IIENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 102College Comp IIENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 102College Comp IIENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 102College Composition IIENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 102College Composition IIENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 102College Composition IIENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 102Crit Think Ac Rdg/Wrtg IIENGL 121College Writing I
ENGL 102Crit Think Ac Rdg/Wrtg IIENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 102Crit Think Ac Rdg/Wrtg IIENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 103H: Crit Think Ac Rdg/WrtgENGL 122College Writing II
ENGL 103H: Crit Think Ac Rdg/WrtgENGL 223Research Writing
ENGL 400EBritish LiteraryENGL 398HTransfer G.S. Humanities
ENGL 430EEnglish Lit ContENGL 398HTransfer G.S. Humanities


ENGR 121Intro to EngineeringENGR 121Intro to Profession of Engr
ENGR 121Intro to EngineeringENGR 122Intro to CAD
ENGR 121Intro to EngineeringENGR 123Intro to Syst Design & Engr
ENGR 149Intro to Mechan Draw & CAENGR 121Intro to Profession of Engr
ENGR 149Intro to Mechan Draw & CAENGR 122Intro to CAD
ENGR 149Intro to Mechan Draw & CAENGR 123Intro to Syst Design & Engr
ENGR 149Intro to Mechan Draw & CADDENGR 121Intro to Profession of Engr
ENGR 149Intro to Mechan Draw & CADDENGR 122Intro to CAD
ENGR 149Intro to Mechan Draw & CADDENGR 123Intro to Syst Design & Engr
ENGR 211Engineering Mechanics: StaticsENGR 221Engineering Mechanics
ENGR 211Engineering Mechanics: StaticsENGR 222Engineering Mechanics
ENGR 211Engineering Mechanics: StaticsENGR 223Engineering Mechanics
ENGR 212Engr Mechanics: DynamicsENGR 221Engineering Mechanics
ENGR 212Engr Mechanics: DynamicsENGR 222Engineering Mechanics
ENGR 212Engr Mechanics: DynamicsENGR 223Engineering Mechanics
ENGR 228Linear Circuit AnalysisENGR 228Circuit Analysis


ERSC 105Earth ScienceGESC 198Science Transfer Course
ERSC 105Earth ScienceGESC 199Transfer General Science


FDNT 125NutritionHLTH 220Human Nutrition


FNCE 315Principles of FinanceFINA 351Managerial Finance


FREN 101Elementary French IFREN 101Elementary French
FREN 101Elementary French IFREN 102Elementary French
FREN 101Elementary French IFREN 103Elementary French
FREN 102Elementary French IIFREN 101Elementary French
FREN 102Elementary French IIFREN 102Elementary French
FREN 102Elementary French IIFREN 103Elementary French
FREN 201Interm FrenchFREN 201FIntermed French
FREN 201FInterm FrenchFREN 201FIntermed French
FREN 207Intermediate French IFREN 202Intermed French
FREN 207Intermediate French IFREN 202FIntermed French
FREN 208Intermediate FrenchFREN 252FIntermed Oral Expression
FREN 221Interm ComposFREN 221FBasic Composition
FREN 221FInterm ComposFREN 221FBasic Composition
FREN 231Spelling & GrammerFREN 231FSpelling & Grammar
FREN 231FSpelling & GrammFREN 231FSpelling & Grammar
FREN 251Interm Spoken LaFREN 251FIntermed Listen,Comp,& Speak
FREN 251FInterm Spoken LaFREN 251FInterm Aural Comp & Oral Expr
FREN 257Overview MediaFREN 257FOverview of the French Media
FREN 261Reading ComprehensionFREN 261FWritten Comprehension
FREN 261FReading ComprehensionFREN 261FReading Comprehension
FREN 269Independent ReadingFREN 269FIndependent Reading
FREN 269FIndependent ReadingFREN 269FIndependent Reading
FREN 273Fren Fine Arts &FREN 273FFrench Fine Arts & Monuments
FREN 273FFren Fine Arts &FREN 273FFrench Fine Arts & Monuments
FREN 321Adv CompositionFREN 321FAdv Composition I
FREN 321FAdv CompositionFREN 321FAdv Composition I
FREN 341Adv GrammarFREN 341FAdv Grammar
FREN 341FAdv GrammarFREN 341FAdv Grammar
FREN 351Adv Spoken LangFREN 351FAdv Listen, Comp, & Speak
FREN 351FAdv Spoken LangFREN 351FAdv Comp & Oral Expression
FREN 361Text AnalysisFREN 361FLiterary Studies
FREN 361FText AnalysisFREN 361FLiterary Studies
FREN 376FFrench CivFREN 376FFrench Culture and Society
FREN 421Fren CompositionFREN 421FAdv Comp II
FREN 441MorphologyFREN 441FMorphology and Syntax I
FREN 461Adv Lit StudiesFREN 461FAdv Literary Studies
FREN 493Adv Oral CommunFREN 493FAdv Oral Communication


GEOG 204World GeographyGEOG 252World Geography


GPSS 110Human Rights & ServiceNOEQ 199No Equivalency
GPSS 220Global PoliticsNOEQ 199No Equivalency


GRMN 101Beginning GermanGRMN 101GBeginning German
GRMN 101Elementary German IGRMN 101Elementary German
GRMN 101Elementary German IGRMN 102Elementary German
GRMN 101Elementary German IGRMN 103Elementary German
GRMN 102Elementary German IIGRMN 101Elementary German
GRMN 102Elementary German IIGRMN 102Elementary German
GRMN 102Elementary German IIGRMN 103Elementary German
GRMN 121Beginning PhoneticsGRMN 121GBeginning Phonetics
GRMN 127Beginning Oral ExpressionGRMN 127GBeginning Oral Expression
GRMN 160Conversation LabGRMN 160GConversation Lab
GRMN 195IS: LiteratureGRMN 195GIndependent Reading
GRMN 206Intermediate GermanGRMN 206GIntermed German
GRMN 216Intermediate Oral ExpressionsGRMN 216GIntermed Oral Expression
GRMN 228Intermediate PhoneticsGRMN 228GIntermediate Phonetics
GRMN 260Conversation LabGRMN 260GConversation Lab
GRMN 276Cultural Studies IIGRMN 276GCultural Studies II
GRMN 296IS: ReadingGRMN 296GIndependent Reading


HIST 154American History IHIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HIST 154American History to 1877HIST 221Hist of the U.S.
HIST 155Amer Hist Since 1877HIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HIST 155American History IIHIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HIST 155American History since 1877HIST 222Hist of the U.S.
HIST 174World Civ IHIST 121The West and the World
HIST 174World Civ IHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HIST 174World Civilizations IHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HIST 174World Societies to 1500HIST 198Transfer General Studies
HIST 175World Civ IIHIST 122The West and the World
HIST 175World Soc Since 1500HIST 122The West and the World
HIST 265T: American Civil WarHIST 199Transfer Elective
HIST 278History of Western ArchitectureHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HIST 280Technology and PowerHIST 198Transfer General Studies
HIST 297HistoriographyHIST 199Transfer Elective
HIST 310Reformation to RevolutionHIST 310EBrit Hist: Reform to Revol
HIST 315Hist Spain & EurHIST 315SHistory of Spain & Europe
HIST 316History of SpainHIST 316SHistory of Spain and Europe
HIST 320British History in ContextHIST 320EBritish History in Context I
HIST 345Anglo-Saxon BritainHIST 345EAnglo-Saxon Britain
HIST 351Colonial Latin AmericaHIST 398Transfer Elective
HIST 355History of the SouthHIST 399Transfer Elective
HIST 363Ch Church I: Fr Early Ch-MHIST 398Transfer Elective
HIST 365Ch Church II: From Ref-20tHIST 456Medieval/EarlyMdrnChristianity
HIST 365Ch Church II: From Ref-20thHIST 456Medieval/EarlyMdrnChristianity
HIST 374History of EnglandHIST 398Transfer Elective
HIST 410EBritish HistoryHIST 399Transfer Elective
HIST 430EBritish Hist ConHIST 398Transfer Elective
HIST 465T: Mark TwainHIST 399Transfer Elective


HLED 129Intro to WellnessHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HLED 173Health For LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living
HLED 173Health for LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living
HLED 210Medical TerminologyNRSG 234Medical Terminology
HLED 229Wellness ApplicationsHLTH 199Transfer Elective
HLED 356Drugs and SocietyHLTH 399Transfer Elective
HLED 373Prevention & Care Athletic InjuriesPETH 399Transfer Elective
HLED 373Prevention & Care Athletic InjuriesPETH 399Transfer Elective
HLED 470Current Issues in HealthHLTH 399Transfer Elective
HLED 476Methods and Materials of Health PromotionHLTH 372Hlth Promotion Planning & Eval


HLNT 130Nutrition for LifeHLTH 220Human Nutrition
HLNT 135NutritionHLTH 220Human Nutrition


HMEC 101Mediterranean CuisineHMEC 101IMediterranean Cuisine


HMNT 205Arts and IdeasHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HMNT 211Intro to PhilosophyPHIL 205Intro to Philosophy
HMNT 251Phil & Prac of RsrchHMNT 198Transfer General Studies
HMNT 251Sophomore Honors SeminarNOEQ 199No Equivalency


ITLN 111Italian PhoneticsITLN 111IItalian Phonetics
ITLN 152Beginning GrammarITLN 152IBeginning Grammar
ITLN 153Beginning GrammarITLN 153IBeginning Grammar
ITLN 153IElementary GrammarITLN 153IBeginning Grammar
ITLN 182Beginning ConversationITLN 182IElementary Conversation
ITLN 183Beginning ConversationITLN 183IElementary Conversation
ITLN 183IElementary ConversationITLN 183IElementary Conversation
ITLN 212Italian CultureITLN 212IItalian Culture


JOUR 105Writing for MediaJOUR 245Media Writing
JOUR 125Intro to PhotographyPHTO 156Prin of Photography
JOUR 208Publication Tools & TechJOUR 199Transfer Elective


LAW 340Law and Religion in the European UnionLAW 340ILaw and Religion in the EU
LAW 345History of Church-State Relations Throughout EuropeNOEQ 199No Equivalency


MATH 103Survey of MathMATH 105Finite Mathematics
MATH 111Survey of MathMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MATH 116College AlgebraMATH 198Transfer General Studies
MATH 120Pre-Calculus AlgebraMATH 121Precalculus I
MATH 120Pre-Calculus AlgebraMATH 121Precalculus I
MATH 120Pre-Calculus AlgebraMATH 121Precalculus I
MATH 120Pre-Calculus AlgebraMATH 121Precalculus I
MATH 120Pre-Calculus AlgebraMATH 121Precalculus I
MATH 121Precalculus TrigonometryMATH 122Precalculus II
MATH 181Calculus IMATH 181Calculus I
MATH 181Calculus IMATH 281Calculus II
MATH 181Calculus IMATH 282Calculus III
MATH 181Calculus IMATH 283Calculus IV
MATH 182Calculus IIMATH 181Calculus I
MATH 182Calculus IIMATH 281Calculus II
MATH 182Calculus IIMATH 282Calculus III
MATH 182Calculus IIMATH 283Calculus IV
MATH 191Calculus IMATH 181Calculus I
MATH 191Calculus IMATH 281Calculus II
MATH 191Calculus IMATH 282Calculus III
MATH 191Calculus IMATH 283Calculus IV
MATH 192Calculus IIMATH 181Calculus I
MATH 192Calculus IIMATH 281Calculus II
MATH 192Calculus IIMATH 282Calculus III
MATH 192Calculus IIMATH 283Calculus IV
MATH 200Elem Linear AlgebraMATH 289Intro to Linear Algebra
MATH 201Interm Linear AlgNOEQ 199No Equivalency
MATH 215StatisticsMATH 106Applied Statistics
MATH 215StatisticsMATH 106Intro to Statistics
MATH 215StatisticsMATH 206Intro to Statistics
MATH 218Calculus IIIMATH 181Calculus I
MATH 218Calculus IIIMATH 281Calculus II
MATH 218Calculus IIIMATH 282Calculus III
MATH 218Calculus IIIMATH 283Calculus IV
MATH 219Set Theory & LogicMATH 199Transfer Elective
MATH 315Differential EquationsMATH 312Ordinary Differential Equation


MDLG 350Global Citizen Sem INOEQ 399No Equivalency
MDLG 350LGlobal Citizen I Span LabNOEQ 199No Equivalency
MDLG 450Global Citizen Sem IINOEQ 399No Equivalency
MDLG 490MLD Exit Exam (DEE)NOEQ 399No Equivalency


MGNT 334Prin of ManagementMGMT 371Prin of Management
MGNT 344Human Resource MgmtMGMT 375Entrepreneurship,Small Busi
MGNT 371Prin of EntrepreneurshipMGMT 399Transfer Elective
MGNT 488Project ManagementNOEQ 399No Equivalency


MUCH 216Music in the Christian ChurchMUHL 198Transfer General Studies


MUCT 101Basic Musicianship IMUCT 112Intro to Music Theory
MUCT 107Basic MusicianshipMUCT 111Intro to Music Theory
MUCT 108Basic Musicianship IIMUCT 112Intro to Music Theory
MUCT 111Music Theory IMUCT 121Theory I
MUCT 111Music Theory IMUCT 122Theory I
MUCT 111Music Theory IMUCT 123Theory I
MUCT 112Music Theory IIMUCT 121Theory I
MUCT 112Music Theory IIMUCT 122Theory I
MUCT 112Music Theory IIMUCT 123Theory I
MUCT 121Aural Theory IMUCT 131Ear Training I
MUCT 121Aural Theory IMUCT 132Ear Training I
MUCT 121Aural Theory IMUCT 133Ear Training I
MUCT 122Aural Theory IIMUCT 131Ear Training I
MUCT 122Aural Theory IIMUCT 132Ear Training I
MUCT 122Aural Theory IIMUCT 133Ear Training I
MUCT 211Music Theory IIIMUCT 221Theory II
MUCT 211Music Theory IIIMUCT 222Theory II
MUCT 211Music Theory IIIMUCT 223Theory II
MUCT 212Music Theory IVMUCT 221Theory II
MUCT 212Music Theory IVMUCT 222Theory II
MUCT 212Music Theory IVMUCT 223Theory II
MUCT 221Aural Theory IIIMUCT 231Ear Training II (Exam)
MUCT 221Aural Theory IIIMUCT 231Ear Training II
MUCT 221Aural Theory IIIMUCT 232Ear Training II
MUCT 221Aural Theory IIIMUCT 233Ear Training II
MUCT 222Aural Theory IVMUCT 231Ear Training II (Exam)
MUCT 222Aural Theory IVMUCT 231Ear Training II
MUCT 222Aural Theory IVMUCT 232Ear Training II
MUCT 222Aural Theory IVMUCT 233Ear Training II
MUCT 313Orchestration & ArrangingMUCT 425Orchestration


MUED 250Tech in Music EducationMUED 199Transfer Elective
MUED 256Woodwind Meth & TechMUED 271Woodwind Techniques & Methods
MUED 256Woodwind Meth & TechMUED 272Woodwind Techniques & Methods
MUED 266Percussion Meth & TechMUED 291Percussion Tech & Methods
MUED 266Percussion Meth & TechMUED 292Percussion Tech & Methods
MUED 317Voice PedagogyMUED 354Vocal Techniques & Methods
MUED 331Music in Elem SchoolMUED 394Music in the Elementary School
MUED 332Music Secondary SchoolMUED 396Secondary Music Methods


MUHL 115Listening to MusicMUHL 124Intro to Music
MUHL 118Musical Styles & RepertMUHL 199Transfer Elective
MUHL 120Music in the U.S.MUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUHL 218Musical Styles and RepertoriesMUHL 198Transfer General Studies
MUHL 320Music of Mid Ages & RenaiMUHL 398Transfer General Studies
MUHL 321Music Late Renais & BaroqMUHL 399Transfer Elective
MUHL 322Classic & Romantic MusicMUHL 399Transfer Elective
MUHL 323Music in 20th CenturyMUHL 398Transfer General Studies
MUHL 375History of Italian MusicMUHL 375IHistory of Italian Music


MUPF 108Group InstructionMUPF 117Class Instruction
MUPF 118I CantoriMUPF 245I Cantori
MUPF 119Bel CantoMUPF 285Brass Ensemble
MUPF 119Bel CantoMUPF 285ICantori Group Voice Lesson
MUPF 126Private LessonsMUPF 126SPrivate Lessons
MUPF 128Wind SymphonyMUPF 255Wind Symphony-Brass,Percussion
MUPF 129Applied BrassMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 129Applied OrganMUPF 127Applied Music: Electric Bass
MUPF 129Applied PianoMUPF 127Applied Music: Electric Bass
MUPF 129Applied PianoMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 129Applied StringsMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 129Applied VoiceMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 129Applied WindsMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 129Voice SecondaryMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 136ChoirMUPF 136AChoir
MUPF 137ChoirMUPF 137AChoir
MUPF 138Symphony OrchestraMUPF 266Symphony Orchestra
MUPF 146OrchestraMUPF 146SOrchestra
MUPF 158Die Meistersinger Male ChorusMUPF 285ICantori Group Voice Lesson
MUPF 171ChoirMUPF 171SChoir
MUPF 189Horn ConcentrationMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 189Piano ConcentrationMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 189Violin ConcentrationMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 189Voice ConcentrationMUPF 127Applied Music: Electric Bass
MUPF 189Voice ConcentrationMUPF 127Applied Music
MUPF 225Singers Diction IMUED 251Singer's Diction
MUPF 225Singers Diction IMUED 252Singer's Diction
MUPF 225Singers Diction IMUED 253Singer's Diction
MUPF 226Singers Diction IIMUED 251Singer's Diction
MUPF 226Singers Diction IIMUED 252Singer's Diction
MUPF 226Singers Diction IIMUED 253Singer's Diction
MUPF 273Basic ConductingMUPF 199Transfer Elective
MUPF 286Art and MusicMUPF 286SArt of Spanish Music
MUPF 318I CantoriMUPF 399Transfer Elective
MUPF 319Bel CantoMUPF 199Transfer Elective
MUPF 319Bel CantoMUPF 399Transfer Elective
MUPF 329Applied OrganMUPF 399Transfer Elective
MUPF 329Applied PianoMUPF 399Transfer Elective
MUPF 338Symphony OrchestraMUPF 266Symphony Orchestra
MUPF 373Choral ConductingMUPF 363Choral Conduc Tech & Matrls
MUPF 389Piano ConcentrationMUPF 399Transfer Elective
MUPF 389Voice ConcentrationMUPF 399Transfer Elective


NOND 050Student Missionary ServiceNOEQ 199No Equivalency
NOND 101Southern ConnectionsENGR 121Intro to Profession of Engr
NOND 101Southern ConnectionsENGR 122Intro to CAD
NOND 101Southern ConnectionsENGR 123Intro to Syst Design & Engr
NOND 101Southern ConnectionsGNRL 101University Experience
NOND 101Southrn ConnectionsGNRL 101University Experience


NRNT 125NutritionHLTH 220Human Nutrition


NRSG 485Nursing Leadership & ManagementNOEQ 399No Equivalency


OLAC 145Basic Rock ClimbingPEAC 161Rock Climbing
OLAC 265T: Wilderness SurvivalNOEQ 199No Equivalency


OUTL 136Surv Outdoor AdventuresNOEQ 199No Equivalency
OUTL 136Surv Outdoor LeadershipNOEQ 199No Equivalency
OUTL 148Basic HorsemanshipPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
OUTL 318Wilderness First ResponderNOEQ 399No Equivalency


PEAC 121Physical EducationPEAC 121SPhysical Education
PEAC 122Physical EducationPEAC 122SPhysical Education
PEAC 123Physical EducationPEAC 123SPhysical Education
PEAC 123VolleyballPEAC 177Volleyball
PEAC 125ConditioningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 125Fitness Collegiate LifePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 131BadmintonPEAC 142Badminton
PEAC 133RacquetballPEAC 151Racquetball
PEAC 134Basic TennisPEAC 146Tennis
PEAC 140Weight TrainingPEAC 123Circuit Weight Training
PEAC 153Basic SwimmingPEAC 113Beginning Swimming
PEAC 160Snow SkiingPEAC 164Downhill Skiing/Snowboarding
PEAC 215Group In-Door CyclingPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 223Fit XPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 225Fitness For LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living
PEAC 225Fitness For LifePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 225Fitness for LifeHLTH 110Wellness for Living
PEAC 225Fitness for LifePEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 230Women's FitnessPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 235Personal ConditioningPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 243Gymnastics TeamPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 254LifeguardingPEAC 107Lifeguard Training
PEAC 255Water Safety InstructorPETH 205Water Safety Instructor
PEAC 257PilatesPEAC 198Transfer General Studies
PEAC 265T: PilatesPEAC 198Transfer General Studies


PETH 240Coaching for SuccessPETH 399Transfer Elective
PETH 314BiomechanicsPETH 325Kinesiology
PETH 315Physiology of ExercisePETH 426Physiology of Exercise
PETH 315LExercise Phys LabNOEQ 199No Equivalency
PETH 325Personal TrainerPETH 399Transfer Elective
PETH 375Motor Learning & DevPETH 425Motor Learning
PETH 474Psychology and Sociology of SportsPETH 399Transfer Elective


PHTO 125Intro to PhotographyPHTO 156Prin of Photography


PHYS 127Exploring Physics IPHYS 201Conceptual Physics
PHYS 128Exploring Physics IIPHYS 202Conceptual Physics
PHYS 155Descriptive AstronomyASTR 199Transfer Elective
PHYS 211Gen Physics IPHYS 211Gen Physics
PHYS 211Gen Physics IPHYS 212Gen Physics
PHYS 211Gen Physics IPHYS 213Gen Physics
PHYS 211Gen Physics IPHYS 214Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 211Gen Physics IPHYS 215Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 211Gen Physics IPHYS 216Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 212Gen Physics IIPHYS 211Gen Physics
PHYS 212Gen Physics IIPHYS 212Gen Physics
PHYS 212Gen Physics IIPHYS 213Gen Physics
PHYS 212Gen Physics IIPHYS 214Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 212Gen Physics IIPHYS 215Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 212Gen Physics IIPHYS 216Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 213Gen Physics I LabPHYS 211Gen Physics
PHYS 213Gen Physics I LabPHYS 212Gen Physics
PHYS 213Gen Physics I LabPHYS 213Gen Physics
PHYS 213Gen Physics I LabPHYS 214Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 213Gen Physics I LabPHYS 215Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 213Gen Physics I LabPHYS 216Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 214Gen Physics II LabPHYS 211Gen Physics
PHYS 214Gen Physics II LabPHYS 212Gen Physics
PHYS 214Gen Physics II LabPHYS 213Gen Physics
PHYS 214Gen Physics II LabPHYS 214Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 214Gen Physics II LabPHYS 215Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 214Gen Physics II LabPHYS 216Gen Physics Lab
PHYS 221Univ Physics IPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PHYS 221Univ Physics IPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PHYS 221Univ Physics IPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PHYS 221Univ Physics IPHYS 254Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 221Univ Physics IPHYS 255Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 221Univ Physics IPHYS 256Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 222Univ Physics IIPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PHYS 222Univ Physics IIPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PHYS 222Univ Physics IIPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PHYS 222Univ Physics IIPHYS 254Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 222Univ Physics IIPHYS 255Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 222Univ Physics IIPHYS 256Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 223Univ Physics I LabPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PHYS 223Univ Physics I LabPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PHYS 223Univ Physics I LabPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PHYS 223Univ Physics I LabPHYS 254Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 223Univ Physics I LabPHYS 255Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 223Univ Physics I LabPHYS 256Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 223Univ Physics Lab IPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PHYS 223Univ Physics Lab IPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PHYS 223Univ Physics Lab IPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PHYS 223Univ Physics Lab IPHYS 254Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 223Univ Physics Lab IPHYS 255Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 223Univ Physics Lab IPHYS 256Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 223Univ Physics LabPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PHYS 223Univ Physics LabPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PHYS 223Univ Physics LabPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PHYS 223Univ Physics LabPHYS 254Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 223Univ Physics LabPHYS 255Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 223Univ Physics LabPHYS 256Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 224Univ Phys Lab IIPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PHYS 224Univ Phys Lab IIPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PHYS 224Univ Phys Lab IIPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PHYS 224Univ Phys Lab IIPHYS 254Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 224Univ Phys Lab IIPHYS 255Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 224Univ Phys Lab IIPHYS 256Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 224Univ Physics II LabPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PHYS 224Univ Physics II LabPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PHYS 224Univ Physics II LabPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PHYS 224Univ Physics II LabPHYS 254Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 224Univ Physics II LabPHYS 255Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 224Univ Physics II LabPHYS 256Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 224Univ Physics Lab IIPHYS 251Prin of Physics
PHYS 224Univ Physics Lab IIPHYS 252Prin of Physics
PHYS 224Univ Physics Lab IIPHYS 253Prin of Physics
PHYS 224Univ Physics Lab IIPHYS 254Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 224Univ Physics Lab IIPHYS 255Prin of Physics Lab
PHYS 224Univ Physics Lab IIPHYS 256Prin of Physics Lab


PLSC 224Prin MacroeconomicsECON 211Prin of Macroeconomics
PLSC 254American National and State GovernmentPLSC 224Amer Government
PLSC 291Political Sci PracticesPLSC 199Transfer Elective
PLSC 357Modern AmericaPLSC 399Transfer Elective
PLSC 375International OrganizationPLSC 375FInternational Organization
PLSC 472Classics of Western Thought IIPLSC 399Transfer Elective


PREL 235Public Relation Prin & TheoryPREL 199PREL Transfer Elective


PSYC 100Careers in PsychologyPSYC 120Intro to The Psychology Major
PSYC 122General PsychologyPSYC 130General Psychology
PSYC 124Intro to PsychologyPSYC 130General Psychology
PSYC 128Developmental PsycPSYC 215Developmental Psychology
PSYC 128Developmental PsychologyPSYC 198Transfer General Studies
PSYC 128Developmental PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 128Developmental PsychologyPSYC 215Developmental Psychology
PSYC 223Marriage and FamilyPSYC 225Marriage & Family Life
PSYC 224Social PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 227Cognitive PsychologyPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 231Multicultural RelationsPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 233Human SexualityPSYC 199Transfer Elective
PSYC 315Abnormal PsycPSYC 492Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 326Physiological PsychologyPSYC 466Biological Psychology
PSYC 357Psychology TestingPSYC 430Psychological Testing
PSYC 490Psychology SeminarPSYC 399Transfer Elective


RELB 125Life and Teachings of JesusRELB 104Ministry of Jesus
RELB 125Life and Teachings of JesusRELB 104Ministry of Jesus
RELB 125Life and Teachings of JesusRELB 104Ministry of Jesus
RELB 175Acts of the ApostlesRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 205Foundations of Biblical StudiesRELB 205EFoundations of Biblical Sudies
RELB 225Prophetic StudiesRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 237Archaeology & OTRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 245Old Testament Studies IRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 246Old Testament Studies IIRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 247Archaeology & the NTRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 260Sexuality & ScriptureRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 265T: RomansRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 291Gospel & ContemporaryRELB 198Transfer General Studies
RELB 291Gospel & ContemporaryRELB 291SGospel & Contemporary Culture
RELB 292Gospel & ContemporaryRELB 292SGospel & Contemporary Culture
RELB 301ReligionRELB 301IComparative Religion
RELB 426Studies in RevelationRELB 399Transfer Elective
RELB 435New Testament Studies IRELB 399Transfer Elective
RELB 436New Testament Studies IIRELB 398Transfer General Studies
RELB 465T: Biblical Studies: SpiritualRELB 398Transfer General Studies


RELG 254ReligionRELG 254FReligion
RELG 254FReligionRELG 254FReligion


RELL 181Biblical Hebrew IHEBR 199Transfer Elective
RELL 181LBiblical Hebrew I LabHEBR 199Transfer Elective
RELL 181LBiblical Hebrew I LabHEBR 199Transfer Elective
RELL 182Biblical Hebrew IIHEBR 199Transfer Elective
RELL 191New Testament Greek IGREK 231Greek I
RELL 191New Testament Greek IGREK 232Greek I
RELL 191New Testament Greek IGREK 233Greek I
RELL 191LNew Testament Greek I LabGREK 231Greek I
RELL 191LNew Testament Greek I LabGREK 232Greek I
RELL 191LNew Testament Greek I LabGREK 233Greek I
RELL 192New Testament Greek IIGREK 231Greek I
RELL 192New Testament Greek IIGREK 232Greek I
RELL 192New Testament Greek IIGREK 233Greek I
RELL 192LNew Testament Greek II LabGREK 231Greek I
RELL 192LNew Testament Greek II LabGREK 232Greek I
RELL 192LNew Testament Greek II LabGREK 233Greek I
RELL 221Intro to Biblical ExegesisRELT 199Transfer Elective
RELL 330Intermediate HebrewHEBR 333Hebrew III


RELP 150Intro to MinistryRELP 131Intro to Faith & Ministry
RELP 240World MissionsRELM 233Intro to Cross-Cultural Ministry
RELP 251Introduction to Youth MinistryRELP 199Transfer Elective
RELP 264Christian WitnessingRELP 199Transfer Elective
RELP 266Evangelism SeminarNOEQ 199No Equivalency
RELP 267Intro to Christian LeaderRELP 199Transfer Elective
RELP 270Interpersonal MinistryRELP 199Transfer Elective
RELP 291PracticumNOEQ 199No Equivalency
RELP 308Mission TripNOEQ 199No Equivalency
RELP 321Intro to Biblical PreachingSPCH 381Biblical Prchng: Foundations
RELP 321Intro to Biblical PreachingSPCH 382Biblical Prchng: Exposition
RELP 321Intro to Biblical PreachingSPCH 383Biblical Prchng: Evangelism
RELP 322Intermediate Biblical PreachSPCH 381Biblical Prchng: Foundations
RELP 322Intermediate Biblical PreachSPCH 382Biblical Prchng: Exposition
RELP 322Intermediate Biblical PreachSPCH 383Biblical Prchng: Evangelism
RELP 340World MissionsRELH 303World Religions
RELP 354Introduction to Biblical CounselingRELP 482Pastoral Care
RELP 361Personal Evangelism IRELP 399Transfer Elective
RELP 362Personal Evangelism IIRELP 399Transfer Elective
RELP 391PracticumRELP 399Transfer Elective
RELP 405Evangelistic PreachingRELP 399Transfer Elective
RELP 468Health EvangelismRELP 399Transfer Elective


RELT 138Adventist HeritageRELH 198Transfer General Studies
RELT 138Adventist HeritageRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELT 139Adventist Heritage TourRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELT 177Christian SpiritualityRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELT 177Christian SpiritualityRELT 199Transfer Elective
RELT 225Last Day EventsRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELT 225Last-day EventsNOEQ 199No Equivalency
RELT 238Adventist HeritageRELT 198Transfer General Studies
RELT 255Christian BeliefsRELT 202Christian Beliefs
RELT 317Issues of Phys, Sci, & RelRELT 398Transfer General Studies
RELT 358World ReligionsRELH 303World Religions
RELT 373Christian EthicsRELT 348Christian Ethics
RELT 458World ReligionsRELH 303World Religions
RELT 467Christian Phil & WorldviewRELT 412Philosophy of Religion


SECR 104Shorthand INOEQ 199No Equivalency
SECR 105Beginning TypingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SECR 213Records ManagementNOEQ 199No Equivalency


SOCI 125Intro to SociologySOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOCI 125Introduction to SociologySOCI 204Gen Sociology
SOCI 150Cultural AnthropologyANTH 225Cultural Anthropology
SOCI 296European Study TourANTH 225Cultural Anthropology
SOCI 296European Study TourSOCI 199Transfer Elective
SOCI 349Aging and SocietySOCI 399Transfer Elective
SOCI 349Aging and SocietySOCI 435Social Gerontology


SOCW 201ParentingNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SOCW 211Introduction to Social WorkSOWK 264Intro to Social Work
SOCW 212Social Welfare as an InstitutionSOWK 266Historical Dev of Social Welfare
SOCW 213Interviewing SkillsSOWK 199Transfer Elective
SOCW 225Marriage & FamilySOCI 225Marriage & Family Life
SOCW 233Human SexualitySOWK 199Transfer Elective
SOCW 494International Study TourSOWK 399Transfer Elective
SOCW 509SW Prac with Indiv & FamiSOWK 517Practice with Individuals
SOCW 511HBSE I: Bio & Psych DevSOWK 524Human Behav & Soc Environ I
SOCW 512HBSE II: Soc & Sprt DevSOWK 525Human Behav & Soc Environ II
SOCW 513Fnd Portfolio Sem ISOWK 599Transfer Elective
SOCW 533Soc Welfare Iss & PolSOWK 514Historical Dev of Social Welfare
SOCW 597Research MethodsSOWK 537Research I
SOCW 597Research MethodsSOWK 538Research II
SOCW 597Research MethodsSOWK 539Research III
SOCW 608Adv Social PolicySOWK 544Policy Analysis and Advocacy


SPAN 101Elementary SpanishNOEQ 199No Equivalency
SPAN 101SBeginning SpanishSPAN 101SBeginning Spanish
SPAN 101SBeginning SpanishSPAN 102SBeginning Spanish
SPAN 101SBeginning SpanishSPAN 103SBeginning Spanish
SPAN 102Elementary Spanish IISPAN 102Elementary Spanish
SPAN 102Elementary Spanish IISPAN 103Elementary Spanish
SPAN 102SBeginning SpanishSPAN 101SBeginning Spanish
SPAN 102SBeginning SpanishSPAN 102SBeginning Spanish
SPAN 102SBeginning SpanishSPAN 103SBeginning Spanish
SPAN 103SBeginning SpanishSPAN 103SBeginning Spanish
SPAN 201Spanish FolkloreSPAN 201SSpanish Folklore
SPAN 205Geography of Latin AmericaSPAN 205AGeography of Latin America
SPAN 208Intermediate Spanish IISPAN 202Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 228Spanish and European CinemaSPAN 228SSpanish Through Movies
SPAN 240OrthographySPAN 240AOrthography (spelling)
SPAN 251Spanish GrammarSPAN 251SIntermediate Spanish Grammar
SPAN 261Interm Spanish CompositionSPAN 261AIntermed Spanish Composition
SPAN 261Interm Spanish CompositionSPAN 261SIntermed Spanish Composition
SPAN 262Interm Span CompositionSPAN 262AIntermed Spanish Composition
SPAN 271Spanish ConversationSPAN 271SIntermed Spanish Conversation
SPAN 293Language through DramaSPAN 293ALanguage Through Drama
SPAN 293Language through DramaSPAN 293SIntensive Spanish Review II
SPAN 301Folklore of ArgentinaSPAN 301AFolklore of Argentina
SPAN 302Folklore of ArgentinaSPAN 302AFolklore of Argentina
SPAN 306Geography of Latin AmericaSPAN 306AGeography of Argentina
SPAN 312Spanish & CultureSPAN 312SMexico & Its Culture
SPAN 313Spanish & CultureSPAN 313SSpain & Its Culture
SPAN 322Business SpanishSPAN 322SBusiness Spanish
SPAN 331Hist Spanish LitSPAN 331SHist of Spanish Literature
SPAN 332Hist Spanish LitSPAN 332SHist of Spanish Literature
SPAN 333Hist Spanish LitSPAN 333SHist of Spanish Literature
SPAN 346History of ArgentinaSPAN 346AHistory of Argentina
SPAN 351Advanced Grammar ISPAN 351AAdv Spanish Grammar I
SPAN 351Advanced Grammar ISPAN 351SAdv Spanish Grammar
SPAN 352Adv Grammar IISPAN 352SAdv Spanish Grammar
SPAN 352Advanced Grammar IISPAN 352AAdv Spanish Grammar I
SPAN 353Adv Grammar ISPAN 353SAdvanced Spanish Grammar I
SPAN 353Advanced Grammar ISPAN 353AAdv Spanish Grammar I
SPAN 361Advanced Composition ISPAN 361SAdv Spanish Composition
SPAN 362Adv Composition ISPAN 362SAdvanced Spanish Composition I
SPAN 363Adv Composition ISPAN 363AAdv Spanish Composition I
SPAN 363Adv Composition ISPAN 363SAdv Spanish Composition
SPAN 363Adv Composition ISPAN 363SAdvanced Spanish Composition I
SPAN 371Advanced Conversation ISPAN 371AAdv Spanish Conversation I
SPAN 371Advanced Conversation ISPAN 371SAdv Spanish Conversation I
SPAN 372Adv Conversation ISPAN 372SAdv Spanish Conversation I
SPAN 372Advanced Conversation ISPAN 372AAdv Spanish Conversation I
SPAN 373Adv Conversation ISPAN 373AAdv Spanish Composition I
SPAN 373Adv Conversation ISPAN 373SAdv Spanish Conversation I
SPAN 380LinguisticsSPAN 380SLinguistics
SPAN 381Current Events of South AmericaSPAN 381ACurrent Events South America
SPAN 382Current EventsSPAN 382ACurrent Events South America
SPAN 382Current EventsSPAN 382SCurrent Events in Span/Euro II
SPAN 383Current EventsSPAN 383SCurrent Events in Span/Euro II
SPAN 397InternshipSPAN 397SInternship
SPAN 422Tran & InterpretSPAN 422STranslation & Interpretation
SPAN 422Transl & InterpretSPAN 422ATranslation & Interp
SPAN 423Tran & InterpretSPAN 423STranslation & Interpretation
SPAN 423Translation & InterpretationSPAN 423ATranslation & Interp
SPAN 441DELE-DSESPAN 441SPrep for Span Diploma-DELE-DSE
SPAN 451Adv Spanish Grammar IISPAN 451SAdvanced Spanish Grammar II
SPAN 451Spanish Grammar IISPAN 451SAdvanced Spanish Grammar II
SPAN 452Adv Grammar IISPAN 452SAdvanced Spanish Grammar II
SPAN 452Advanced Grammar IISPAN 452SAdvanced Spanish Grammar II
SPAN 453Adv Grammar IISPAN 453SAdv Spanish Grammar I
SPAN 461Adv Spanish Composition IISPAN 461SAdv Spanish Composition II
SPAN 461Spanish Composition IISPAN 461SAdv Spanish Composition II
SPAN 462Adv Composition IISPAN 462SAdv Spanish Composition II
SPAN 462Advanced Composition IISPAN 462SAdv Spanish Composition II
SPAN 463Adv Composition IISPAN 463SAdv Spanish Composition I
SPAN 471Adv Spanish Conversation IISPAN 471SAdv Spanish Conversation II
SPAN 471Spanish Conversation IISPAN 471SAdv Spanish Conversation II
SPAN 472Adv Conversation IISPAN 472SAdv Spanish Conversation II
SPAN 472Advanced Conversation IISPAN 472SAdv Spanish Conversation II
SPAN 473Adv Conversation IISPAN 473SAdv Spanish Conversation I


SPCH 135Intr Public SpeakingSPCH 101Fundamentals of Speech Comm
SPCH 136Interpersonal CommNOEQ 199No Equivalency


TECH 114Oxy-Acetylene WeldingTECH 137Oxyacetylene Welding & Cutting
TECH 115Arc WeldingTECH 138Shielded Metal Arc Welding
TECH 149Intro to Mech Draw & CADDDRFT 120Perspective Drawing
TECH 151Architect Draft & CADDDSGN 121Fundamentals of CAD
TECH 154WoodworkingTECH 220Intro to Basic Woodworking
TECH 175Engine Rebuilding and MachiningAUTO 286Engine Rebuilding Lab
TECH 178Heating & Air ConditioningAUTO 199Transfer Elective
TECH 264Automotive RepairAUTO 114Personal Car Care
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